Dead Boy Detectives is a supernatural, horror detective television series developed by Steve Yockey, based on the DC Comic Series of the same name. The show follows Edwin Payne (George Rexstrew) and Charles Rowland (Jayden Revri) as they embark on Ghostly Adventures with their psychic friend, Crystal Palace (Kassius Nelson).The series has garnered praise between critics and with a 92% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes, a renewal was looking imminent. However, on Friday, August 30th 2024, 128 days after the show originally began airing, Netflix made the unfortunate decision to cancel Dead Boy Detectives.Help us reverse that decision!
It's official! There is a website where you can find a lot of information regarding the cause. By clicking the image below, you'll be taken to the website and hopefully help us achieve our goal and make our voices be heard even louder.
We have set up a petition to hopefully change Netflix's mind. As this show has given us an amazing community, with amazing artists, writers, editors and more. Once this petition reaches it's goal, this will be presented to Netflix itself in the hopes that someone might pick it up.We’re stronger in numbers. In order to show multiple streaming services that there is an audience waiting to see season 2, please consider signing the petition!By clicking the image below, you'll be taken to the petition where you can sign and hopefully help us achieve our goal and make our voices be heard.
• In 1991, Neil and Matt introduced us to Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland in The Sandman #25. Between 1993 and the start of 1994 Gaiman revived the characters to feature in The Children’s Crusade. This was the first time the boys were referred to as the Dead Boy Detectives.• The boys appeared in several of their own comic book series written by Ed Brubaker and Jill Thompson starting in 2001 with Neil Gaiman having no involvement. The Dead Boy Detectives then went on to finally get their own comic series starting in 2013, written by Toby Litt and Mark Buckingham which serves as the main inspiration behind the show.• In 2021, the Dead Boy Detectives made their first television appearance in season 3 episode 3 of Doom Patrol, aptly named ‘Dead Patrol’. By this point, Steve Yockey had purchased the rights to the Dead Boy Detectives brand.• Although he is credited as an executive producer, Gaiman has admitted several times on his tumblr account that Dead Boy Detectives is strictly Steve Yockey and Beth Schwartz’s show.
If you would like to read about this in more detail, with visual evidence attached, please check out the section on the webpage titled "Regarding Neil Gaiman"
• Given that our show was the most recent one to end up on the chopping block, we wanted to send a message of solidarity to the ones before us.• Members of the DBD agency, please join our fellow fandoms and aid them in their fight by signing their petition!
Here is a link that will bring you to a masterlist of cancelled shows' petitions! This list was made by the Save Lockwood & Co Campaign!If you would like to, you can participate in the multifandom wide bingo! Show your love to all of these shows!
All the information regarding ways you can help with the campaign.
Sign The Petition• We’re stronger in numbers. In order to show multiple streaming services that there is an audience waiting to see season 2, please consider signing the petition!Stream The Show• Continuously and repeatedly if possible. We are attempting to get Dead Boy Detectives back into the Top 10 list where-ever possible!• Make sure there's at least a small bit of sound playing, otherwise the watch won't count if it's on mute.Go Send An Email• Use the templates and emails located on the website to tell important people and companies that we would like the show to continue!Keep Yourself Updated• Keep yourself up to date for what to do next with our linked social medias! This is the best way to ensure we are all on the same page!Keep A Unified Front• Our efforts to save this show is only possible if we keep ourselves organized and all work on the same things at once!Use The Hashtags• Be loud on social media! Getting the hashtags trending is a wonderful way to tell these companies that we’re still interested in seeing the series continue!• The primary hashtags that are being used to get DBD trending are #SaveDeadBoyDetectives, #RenewDeadBoyDetectives and #DeadBoyDetectives. Make sure that you double-check your spelling before posting, the second hashtag can sometimes auto-fill to one with typos.• Also make sure to use only two hashtags per post, otherwise the post may be discarded as spam or unwanted tweets.• If you're joining the watch party, use the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives.
Information about the social media accounts of Save Dead Boy Detectives.
Twitter Handle: @SaveTheDeadBoysP.S. You can press the photo to view the Twitter account as well.
Instagram Handle: @SaveTheDeadBoysP.S. You can press the photo to view the Instagram account as well.
TikTok Handle: @SaveTheDeadBoysP.S. You can press the photo to view the TikTok account as well.
Tumblr Handle: @SaveTheDeadBoysP.S. You can press the photo to view the Tumblr account as well.